Product Information

Product Information for Inno-Therm®/Pavatextil

Thermal batts

Inno-Therm®/Pavatextil insulation

In July 2013, the manufacturing of Inno-Therm® was transferred to Le Relais and sold in agreement under the Inno-Therm® brand as Inno-Therm®/Métisse®. Due to Brexit causing delays in shipping from France, from October 2021, Inno-Therm® will also be supplied through a supplier based in UK and be sold in agreement under the Inno-therm® brand as Inno-Therm®/Pavatextil. Inno-Therm®/Métisse® & Inno-Therm®/Pavatextil are the same insulation.

Pavatextil comes in 20kg/m3 density only and Metisse® comes in 20kg/m3, 25kg/m3 and 45kg/m3 densities. Inno-Therm®/Métisse® & Inno-Therm®/Pavatextil are soft and is a flexible thermo-acoustic insulation boards manufactured with cotton/denim natural fibers (85%), originating from recycled textile denim jeans and polyester fibres as binder (15%).

The cotton fibres have hydrophilic and hygroscopic properties and have been subjected to anti-bacterial, fungal and flame retardant treatments, and are resistant to dust mites and mould. Inno-Therm®/Métisse® & Inno-Therm®/Pavatextil do not contain any substance which is likely to be detrimental to your health or to the environment and comply with health and safety regulations.


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Density: 20 kg/m3 (+/-10%)
Thermal Conductivity: 0.039 W/(mK)


Pavaflex® -Confort is a thermo-acoustic insulating panel semirigid in wood fibers. Intended for insulation from the inside of vertical walls, partitions and counter partitions.

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Product Information for Inno-Therm®/Métisse®

Inno-Therm® acoustic insulation

Inno-Therm®/Métisse insulation

Key features

Inno-Therm®/Métisse® natural fibre recycled cotton thermal and acoustic insulation is sustainable and environmently friendly. It is a safe alternative to conventional insulation materials.

  • Consisting of 85% recycled denim/cotton, so reducing landfill waste and it can itself be recycled when removed. Has a very low embodied energy in using 70% less energy to manufacture than conventional insulation we have obtained data.
  • Unlike most conventional insulation, natural fibre recycled cotton insulation contains no chemical irritants, thus it is non-itch, will not cause allergic reactions and is easy to handle and quick to install saving you time and money.
  • Anti-bacterial and fungicide treatment: 1%.
  • The reaction to fire of the product is determined according to these reports:
    METISSE RT – 45 à 200 mm – B S1 d0
    Nu petite flamme VRAC Ds2d0
  • When the insulation is placed behind a facing (plasterboard or in particular Fermacell Gypsum – BA 13 in France) the fire rating according to NF EN 13501-1: 2018 is B. (The English translation works in the Chrome browser but may have issues in other browsers. We are working to improve compatibility. Please download and use the Chrome browser if necessary.)
    • The resistance to growth of mould fungus has been verified according to EOTA procedure. The class of the product is 0.
    • The resistance to the clothes moth (Tineila biselliella) has been verified according to the EOTA testing procedure. No adult vermins develop (100% mortality) from eggs. No damage observed.
    • It behaves as a hydro regulator thanks to its ability to absorb and release water vapour and so has excellent performance in conditions of high humidity.
    • The water vapour diffusion resistance is determined according to the EN 12086 conditions B. The water vapour diffusion resistance factor = µ 2.2.
    • The thermal rolls and batts exceed quality and performance standards of most conventional insulation with an excellent thermal insulation co-efficient as a semi-rigid panel. Its thermal conductivity dry is 0.039 W/mK for both 20 kg/m3 and 25 kg/m3 density products. This makes it possible to optimise insulation in walls, inner partitions (due to its sound insulating performance), eaves, lofts or floors. Also available as loose flock for blown-in applications.
    • The eko acoustic batt make effective acoustic insulation with a high sound absorption (= 0.95) and the acoustic fading is 42 dB. The acoustic roll has a sound absorption (= 0.95) and 20 dB. These products have a density of 45 Kg/m3.
    • Superior quality allowing you to reduce stud sizes in timber frame construction.
    Loose flock for blown-in applications

    Loose flock for blown-in applications


    Natural fibre recycled cotton insulation is approved for use in lofts, floors, walls and sarking.

    It has all the required testing to meet  UK,  European technical standard and CE mark approved.

    Thermal Rolls: Inno-Therm®/Métisse® MT +

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    Density: 20 kg/m3

    [1] We produce 400 wide rolls and batts. There is an extra cutting fee for manufacturing 400mm widths of all thicknesses. If specific reference ordered is over 250m2 there is no charge.

    Thermal Batts: Pannel Inno-Therm®/Métisse®

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    [1] There is an extra cutting fee for manufacturing 400 mm widths of all thicknesses.

    [2] Due to the higher density, PM+ product can be used both for thermal and acoustic insulation for internal walls.

    Thermal Insulation: Flock

    Inno-Therm®/Méttise® insulation also comes loose, as flock for blown-in applications.

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    The m2 coverage of a 10kg bag of flock depends on the R value targeted. On request we can send ACERMI which indicates the volume needed for each R value. For example, 4.7 kg/m2 to reach an R value of 5 with a density of 15kg/m3.

    Useful values from the ACERMI*

    (*body belonging to CSTB which has the authority to validate the values announced by the material manufacturers).

    Certified thermal conductivity λD = 0.047 W/(m.K)

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    Note: The certified thermal resistance R can only be obtained by respecting imperatively both the thickness to be installed and the minimum number of bags per 100 m2 of covered surface. Application of the valid process available on

    Other certified properties:

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    We confirm that Flocon as with all our insulation products does not contain any prohibited substances listed in the REACH list.
    Insulation ontains:
    0,8% of fungicide treatment
    10% of flame retardant treatment
    0.6% biocide treatment.

    There is no insect inhibitor. We have a test result which validates that the development of mites is not possible.

    Acoustic Products

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    Inno-Therm®/Métisse® Manufacturing Process

    Key features

    • Consisting of 85% recycled denim/cotton, so reducing landfill waste and it can itself be recycled when removed. Has a very low embodied energy in using 70% less energy to manufacture than conventional insulation we have obtained data.
    • Unlike most conventional insulation, natural fibre recycled cotton insulation contains no chemical irritants, thus it is non-itch, will not cause allergic reactions and is easy to handle and quick to install saving you time and money.
    • Anti-bacterial and fungicide treatment: 1%.
  • The reaction to fire of the product is determined according to these reports:
    METISSE RT – 45 à 200 mm – B S1 d0
    Nu petite flamme VRAC Ds2d0
  • When the insulation is placed behind a facing (plasterboard or in particular Fermacell Gypsum – BA 13 in France) the fire rating according to NF EN 13501-1: 2018 is B. (The English translation works in the Chrome browser but may have issues in other browsers. We are working to improve compatibility. Please download and use the Chrome browser if necessary.)
    • The resistance to growth of mould fungus has been verified according to EOTA procedure. The class of the product is 0.
    • The resistance to the clothes moth (Tineila biselliella) has been verified according to the EOTA testing procedure. No adult vermins develop (100% mortality) from eggs. No damage observed.
    • It behaves as a hydro regulator thanks to its ability to absorb and release water vapour and so has excellent performance in conditions of high humidity.
    • The water vapour diffusion resistance is determined according to the EN 12086 conditions B. The water vapour diffusion resistance factor = µ 2.2.
    • The thermal batts exceed quality and performance standards of most conventional insulation with an excellent thermal insulation co-efficient as a semi-rigid panel. Its thermal conductivity dry is 0.039 W/mK for the 20 kg/m3 product. This makes it possible to optimise insulation in walls, inner partitions (due to its sound insulating performance), eaves, lofts or floors.
    • Superior quality allowing you to reduce stud sizes in timber frame construction.