Sustainable Acoustic and Thermal Insulation for Local Authorities

Anns Road Primary School, Sheffield
Inno-Therm® provides a cost effective, energy efficient, and sustainable solution for thermal and acoustic insulation for local authorities.
- European Technical Approval Standards Métisse® Relais composition squareness density absorption strength airflow fire biological additives marking. SPECIAL NOTE: The insulation is now made of 85% recycled cotton/denim. There is no longer a mix of acrylic-synthetic fibres with wool fibres in the insulation.
- CE mark approved.
- European classification for the reaction to fire behaviour of building products
- Euroclasse E RT mars 2013
- The reaction to fire of the product is determined according to these reports:
METISSE RT – 45 à 200 mm – B S1 d0
Nu petite flamme VRAC Ds2d0 - When the insulation is placed behind a facing (plasterboard or in particular Fermacell Gypsum – BA 13 in France) the fire rating according to NF EN 13501-1: 2018 is B. (The English translation works in the Chrome browser but may have issues in other browsers. We are working to improve compatibility. Please download and use the Chrome browser if necessary.)
- The reaction to fire of the product is determined according to these reports:
- Fiche Technical Product